Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Comprehensive (?) Megadungeon List - 2022

Five years ago, I tried to collect all of the megadungeons into a single list. Here's the link. It was received well. Now, 5 years later, I think the landscape changed significantly enough to do another list. 

Before I begin, let me state my credentials. I am Jayson "Rocky" Gardner, 1/2 of Silver Bulette. I have been playing RPGs since the 1980's and have always been fascinated by megadungeons. Matt Finch interviewed me on the topic (here). I have been writing my latest one (Mord Mar) since 2012 (taking breaks as needed for health and being dad). I have been the layout artist on Greg Gillespie's most recent projects, Highfell and Dwarrowdeep, giving insight and suggestions as I thought the were relevant. As you can see, I don't look at the megadungeon casually, but instead critically. 

These are megadungeons not available. Castle Blackmoor and Castle Greyhawk specifically are the home versions of Dave Arneson and Gary Gygax's dungeons. Someday these may see print (or a reprint in some cases)

Amaron Castle (recommended by Grodog, but cannot Google-verify)
Castle Blackmoor
Castle Greyhawk
Doomvault (moved from the Truth. Mentioned in Dead in Thay)
The Hobbyshop Dungeon (see Marmoreal Tomb)
Maure Castle (spread throughout Greyhawk publications)
Ruins of Kwalishar (Tim Kask . . . maybe someday?)
Skull Mountain (Holmes Boxed Set)
Underworld of Jakalla

These are megadungeons that are available on the 1st party or second-hand market. You can actively buy these from Drivethrurpg, Ebay or other sources.

ASE (Anomalous Subsurface Environment) *How do I not own this yet?*
Castle Gargantua
Castle Greyhawk
Castle of the Mad Archmage
Castle Triskelion (all links go directly to a PDF)
DCC #51 Castle Whiterock
Castle Xyntillan
Castle Zagyg *This may move to the Myth category if it keeps not being republished*
The Darkness Beneath <Fight On!> (can anyone provide a link, google returns too much noise)
Dark Tower (search Judge's Guild or Goodman Games for a physical copy)
Depths of Felk Mor
Dungeon of the Mad Mage
El Raja Key
The Emerald Spire
Eyes of the Stone Thief
Forbidden Caverns of Archaia
The Grande Temple of Jing
Greyhawk Ruins (Expeditions to the Ruins of Castle Greyhawk) (Castle Greyhawk)
The Halls of Arden Vul
Frank Mentzer's Lich Dungeon
Lost City of Barakus
Maze of the Blue Medusa
Rappan Athuk
Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil
Roslof Keep
Ruins of the Dragon Lord
The Scarlet Citadel
The Slumbering Tsar
Tegel Manor
Temple of Elemental Evil  
World's Largest Dungeon

These are live play games, either at conventions, in blogs, on Youtube or other places.

Felltower (looks unpublished, but check out the link)
Grodog's Castle Greyhawk
Megadungeon Magazine
Mines of Khumar (again, can't find a link for sale)
My Own Private Jakalla
Mythrus Tower (may be defunct with Matt Finch moving back to Mythmere Games)

These are dungeons that don't fit my criteria for one reason or another, but they do fit other people's criteria.

Crypt of the Science Wizard (currently one level. Get to work Skeeter!)
Caverns of Thracia
Dragon's Delve 
The Lost City (5E/1E by Goodman Games) (Original in POD version)
Palace of the Vampire Queen
Tomb of Abysthor

As always, I know I am missing some. If you know of a megadungeon that fits this list, but isn't included, hit me up on the Silver Bulette Facebook Page or leave a comment here.

Here are other lists of megadungeons from around the web. If you have one, shoot me a message and I will add it here!

Grodog's List


  1. Great list!
    Would you mind explain what the criteria you are using? Not real sure why something is a Myth, truth, game or Contender

  2. I would also expand on the previous comment to ask "what constitutes a megadungeon vs. a really big dungeon?"

  3. The Black Pyramid of Cha'alt and Cremza'amirikza'am contained within book 3, Cha'alt: Chartreuse Shadows.

    1. I am not familiar with them. Are they fully fleshed out?
