Ian and I want the Silver Bulette blog to be a place where DMs can find interesting information, that will help hone their craft. Most of our ideas can be used in any edition, but we lean more toward Old School mentalities. Unlike a lot of people out there, we think these can be intertwined with new school and make an explosive, awesome potion of RPGness.
I almost always write Monster Monday in the OSR format. It is my native language. I= speak 3.x and 5E, but not as fluently. The smaller stat blocks and abilities keep the blog from becoming a wall of text. I also try to use OGL monsters. So there is no repercussions from Big Games.
A bit of history and monster stats
Interesting ways to use the monster
Look for Monster Monday here next week.
Mummy by "Bree Orlock" and Stardust Publications; used under license
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